WINTER 2 DATES: 2/1, 2/8, 2/22, 3/1, 3/8, 3/22, 3/29 (NO PLAY 2/15 or 3/15)
SPRING 5V5 DATES: 4/5, 4/12, 4/26, 5/3, 5/10, 5/17 (NO PLAY 4/19)
​House soccer leagues are for individual participants only.
Each player will be assigned to a team that will play a seven game schedule. *(Spring / Fall 5v5 Leagues plays a 6 game schedule).
All games are played on Saturday.
Requests to be on a team with another player should be put in the “Teammate Request” section on the registration page.
While we cannot guarantee teammate requests, we will do our best to honor all requests.
Players may request to play in an older or younger division if desired.
Games are played with six field players and a goalie. - *(5v5 Leagues are played with 4 field players and a goalie)*
YSC Sports reserves the right to combine age groups and/or divisions in order to create a more positive experience for all participants.
EQUIPMENT: All players will be given their own soccer jersey at their first game. Players must supply shin guards. Players are not to bring soccer balls — they will be supplied for each game.
COACHING VOLUNTEERS: If you have an interest in coaching your child’s team, please note this in the teammate request section of your child’s registration form. Please also include the interested volunteer coach’s e-mail address so we can add that person to our Coach’s e-mail list.
PRICING: Early Registration fee is $150 through March 5. After March 5 - price increases to $165.
Team assignments and game schedules will be posted on the YSC web site approximately Five days prior to the start of the season. YSC Sports will also e-mail players with this information when it becomes available. **SEE TEAM ASSIGNMENTS BY CLICKING THE "ROSTERS" BUTTON**.
Click on Gender/Age Group to register for SPRING 5v5 LEAGUE: