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YSC's innovative youth development curriculum provides fun, action packed learning environments where kids can develop a lifelong love of physical activity. Behind the fun, smiles and action is a deliberate, sport science-based learning curriculum.   YSC understands how children grow and learn.   The youth programs at YSC are focused on providing a safe, healthy and active learning experience that will set the foundation for a lifelong love of physical activity.  


1st Soccer is a Parent/Caregiver participation class.   This class is for the toddler on the move who wants to explore, run, kick and play!  We use props such as parachutes, noodles, tunnels, music, and games to engage toddlers in activities.  Simple motor skills and social development are stressed with lots of colorful balls to kick!  A great class to prepare for SoccerStars participation!

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SoccerStars is your child’s first opportunity to experience soccer through interactive play in a very nurturing and FUN environment!  This innovative soccer learning class focuses on social and motor skill development incorporating the use of lightweight soccer balls and special props designed to enhance the FUN and expedite the learning process!

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Kickers is a class for bigger kids seeking soccer action!  The class focuses on developing individual FUNdamental soccer skills using games and drills that teach the skills.  Objectives are to develop comfort with the ball and to familiarize participants with correct motor skill movement patterns.  Kids will participate in a non-competitive scrimmage as well.

KICKERS+:  Kickers+ (plus) is an hour long class for kids seeking MORE soccer action!  The class has all of the great activities that our original Kickers class has, but with extra scrimmage for more time to learn while playing to get your player ready for Club Soccer!



This class is an intro to sports and classic playground games!  Games like baseball, basketball, soccer, hide and seek, spud, kick the can, mother-may-I, parachute and others.  Players will learn new skills and develop athletic movements along with hand-eye coordination, agility and teamwork.  Sportzapalooza will introduce your child to different games  and it’s required skill set giving them well-rounded exposure to a variety of sports and fun games.  Let’s get started early on a lifelong love of sports, health, and FUN!



YSC Skill Development Program for ages 6 and 7 year olds helps players learn to love the game while participating in a fun, engaging environment.  Through the use of small-sided games, the player will be completely immersed in fast-paced decision making and problem-solving, resulting in the skill foundation needed to be part of the dynamic, evolving game of soccer.

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